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Fotografías submarinas de Blue Horizon Divers

En la siguiente galería, todas las imágenes y videos submarinos. (YouTube) han sido realizados por nuestros instructores de buceo profesionales. El video hecho para Thalassa, un programa de televisión francés, ha estado con una cámara diseñada para bucear con ultraviolet lamps.

Galería de fotos de buceo

Sitios de buceo alrededor de Koh Phangan, el Parque Nacional de Anthong y Koh Tao

Buceo nocturno ultravioleta y esnórquel

Los arrecifes de coral aparecen en fluorescentes con luces de buceo ultravioleta azul

Más información sobre la fotografía submarina:

First of all, the main challenge in underwater phoyography is the absorption of light underwater.  To fights this, it requires the use of underwater strobes to create the brilliant colors. You can notice those beautiful colors that you see in most of the underwater pictures. In contrary, a landscape photography or a non-underwater wildlife, which relies on the sun for vivid colors.


Secondly, the introduction of a strobe underwater generates its own challenges due to backscatter. In other words, this is the illumination of particulate matters in the water column between the camera and subject.


To summarise, due to these main challenges, underwater photography is often qualified as one of the more difficult types of photography. Of course there are many rewards waiting for those willing to accept the challenge.


Despite this, the community of underwater photographers around the world is growing every day. Underwater photography is possible in any body of water, from the lake, rivers, pools and ocean.


In conclusion, here are some advices: We recommend to use the camera Olympus TG5. This camera is very tough, very resistant to dust and shocks. In addition, with its underwater housing, you can as deep as 60 meters. Meanwhile, its possible to add accessories as specific lens and strokes.

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