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SSI Scuba Schools International

Discover about SSI and its equivalences with other Dive Agencies

Scuba Schools International (SSI) is an organization that teaches the skills involved in scuba diving and freediving, and supports dive businesses and resorts.


With an SSI certification you can dive anywhere in the world. The SSI certifications are equivalent to PADI certifications. Ex: with a open water certification PADI or CMAS , you can pass the next level with SSI for instance.

With SSI, you will have all your courses online in the language you want. Besides, you will get a free insurance for beginners. And finally, the SSI courses are cheaper because the fees are lower than PADI.

SSI certifications:

At Blue Horizon Diving, you can get any certifications from beginners to pro levels. For example, we organise crossovers courses from PADI to SSI for instructor level (PADI instructor to SSI instructor).

You will get your certification card straight away after your course.

SSI charts: The path to follow to become a Diver and a Professional Diver:
SSI Equivalences with other Agencies:
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