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Become PRO

Do you want to move towards a new profession? Do you dream of traveling from paradise to paradise? Discover all the most beautiful dive sites in the world while transmitting your passion to other divers is at your fingertips! the profession of dive guide or dive instructor is for you. Become PRO!

Important informations

Divemaster is the first level for a dive professional. His role is to supervise and guide certified divers under the water. Our professional team of dive instructors are used to transmit their passion and knowledge about their diving experience to futur professional divers.


The next level is to teach diving and certify scuba divers. To reach this level you just need to pass your diving instructor course. To do so you need to be a divemaster who has logged a minimum of 100 dives. Its possible to be enrolled in a SSI instructor course even if you are coming from an other agency (ex: PADI, CMAS…).


If you are already a dive instructor certified by an another agency and you would like to teach SSI courses in been affiliated to a SSI dive center, your solution is to do a crossover from a agency to SSI (Ex: PADI to SSI).


To get more experience on a longer period, we offer divemaster and dive instructor Internships. Contact us for more details.

SSI rewards your experience:

After passing a certain number of specialties and giving a certain quota of courses, you will automatically obtain new SSI certifications free of charge to attest to your experience:

Click on the link opposite to discover those free certifications to get:




We are all looking for a job that suits us. A job that can value us, make us happy, and if possible of course, we ensure a minimum wage. The profession of diving instructor is a “job” rather special in the sense that it requires a large amount of various qualifications, a significant amount of skill and a health “at the top! “.

This job is also an excellent way to travel the world, to make exhilarating encounters (under water and out of the water) and to live a passion, because it is indeed a passion that one seeks to transmit to others and this point will often be the most decisive for choosing your orientations.



To become pro (Ex: a diving instructor), it is above all to possess various human and technical qualities. Overall, when one asks the question “what is a good dive instructor? We realize that there are a multitude of answers all leading to the human aspect of the activity.

Be patient, To be sociable, Know how to adapt to your audience, To be calm, To be brave, To be polyvalent, To be a pedagogue, Be sensitive to the needs of others, Be personable

Of course we can not hide these last qualities, thanks to which some of the previous ones can exist and assert themselves.

Master all diving techniques

Master all (or at least a large part) of the theoretical contents associated with the activity

Have a good physical condition and be in good health.

It may exist according to the place and the conditions under which you will practice, other qualities but the most important are just mentioned. We will come back a little further on some important subtleties to be a good monitor.



A diving instructor is made to go everywhere!

In fact everything is possible because once your levels are acquired, you have a ton of possibilities:

Work in a seasonal center (as is often the case in France, where a second activity is required in winter)

Work year-round in a “Tropical” type center, Work in an associative club, Work on a boat on a diving cruise, Work in large structures like “Club Med” or UCPA, Work in a dive shop, Work on your own in a big city and do Private (Pool and Natural Environment), Work in a private monitor on a Luxury Yacht, Open your center.

To derive its activity (but other diplomas are necessary) towards an industrial or military activity (diver, combat, fire diver, welder diver, diver on oil rig, Work for a Tour Operator

In short, we see, there is something for everyone. Gain time in your life: Become Pro right now!



The job of diving instructor is not only under water, and here we will talk about concrete things.

Yes, we see great fish, we meet lots of nice people, we live outside, on the water, we play sports, BUT

we have schedules and obligations, we have to fill in quite complete training files, we repair equipment, we inflate bottles, we clean the center, we serve coffee, we can do quite tiring days, etc … In short, as said above, it is a profession in its own right with its advantages and disadvantages.

However, when we weigh the pros and cons, What happiness!

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