
Frequently Asked Questions

Hello to you, diving friends, I hope you are well. Due to the current situation, our dive center Blue Horizon Diving in Koh Phangan will not be able to survive to continue its great adventure without everyone's help. Save Blue Horizon: the club, the diving...

Here below are the most common reasons: escaping into a world of silence Its unique to be experience the feeling of no gravity. Discover new dimensions at 360 degrees! When diving your movement are free, you can just fly in any direction! Diving is peaceful. choose your dive activity learning...

1° Is it better to dive at Koh Phangan or Koh Tao? Its 2 different islands. The best dive site is SAIL ROCK. Sail Rock is closer from Koh phangan than from Koh Tao. From Koh Phangan we go diving everyday to Sail Rock when...

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